Wednesday, November 29, 2006

i'm a virgin blogger

today is a monumental day. today is the day i lose my blogging virginity. for those of you (cara) that get to witness this, feel incredibly special.

if you want to get technical, which i'm usually guilty of, i'm more like a born-again virgin blogger. in my younger days, i had a torrid love affair with livejournal. now that i've grown up a bit, i no longer feel the need to post countless surveys and memes, as well as the ever-so-frequent, "why doesn't *insert name here* like me back?!" entries.

so...what now?

oh, right. knitting! to be quite honest, i'm a rather crappy knitter. i've only recently discovered there's more to yarn than redheart and lion brand. who knew?! that discovery was truly mind boggling. still, i haven't graduated from the "ghetto" brands of yarn. the nicest thing i've knit with was one of the nicer lion brand yarns. maybe i feel like my knitting isn't good enough to be done with some debbie bliss? or maybe it's because the one time i walked into my lys, i came face-to-face with the orange county stitch n bitch group, was completely overwhelmed and walked right out.

i've come a long way though, especially recently. that's what this blog is all about. this blog is evidence of my desire and passion to get better. actually, i'm lying. it's about my secret desire to be half as cool as all the lovely ladies i see with their knitting journals. oh, how i want to be you!

1 comment:

Christen said...

i'm not sure what number a "needle high five" would be, but i'm sure not matter what the number, it'd be dangerous!