Wednesday, March 7, 2007

oh mercy me.

as you can see, i haven't done much around here in a very long time. there are many reasons behind this:

1. the craft world has consumed me. you name it, i've been trying to make it. it started with knitting. it's since moved to crochet, embroidery, rubber stamping, making stitch markers, and lord knows what else.
2. i don't really own a good camera to document my endeavors with. if you want a blog consisting entirely of cell phone pictures, i'm your gal.
3. the only time i really use a computer is at work. i don't have my own at home, and i always feel like such a pain asking to borrow my roommates. however, she just purchased a new laptop and is offerring me her desktop. hooray!
4. with so many wonderful blogs out there, i just feel like my own blog is a fraud. i'm not nearly as adorable as all the wonderful bloggie ladies. they're such an inspiration to me. maybe one day i'll be at their level. until then, i use my blog to stalk them all.

i have many projects being planned. too many, in fact. once i'm a little more technology enabled, i'll start posting their progress!

until then!

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